A few random images from a very busy week back in England. I just got back from a trip up to the Lake District and Hadrian's Wall, nearby to where I was born.
Some of these images today are very hastily edited. The weather has been typically English, very changeable if generally overcast and grey.
These were around Wastwater. The last time I'd been here was back in 1995 when I and a friend climbed Great Gable and got lost on the descent. No such drama this time.
The toads were in a carpark near some of the Hadrians Wall ruins. And we even found some standing stones to continue the historical theme.
Not much in the way of birding, I'll write that up when I get back to Japan. A Ross' Gull appeared at nearby Blackpool but I missed it. Nowt at Leighton Moss but I managed to spend another afternoon at Marshside trying to get some better Avocet shots than last time. They were better, marginally.
Black and white birds in overcast conditions are tricky............
The main other species of interest was Black Tailed Godwit, which were everywhere.
Nearer home I went up the river on March 31. Sand Martin and Chiffchaff were new arrivals, Corn Bunting were singing near the marsh, Great Spotted Woodpecker were drumming,Brown Hares were boxing in the fields and Nuthatch were around in places I'd never seen them before..........
Here's a view from the river, my old local patch and also St Walbergs church in Preston. I lived almost next door to this place back in 1996........
And a male Blackbird and the baby Moorhens near my parents' house.......
Thanks for people's comments since I got back to England. It just been too hectic to check the internet most of the time let alone other people's blogs.......I will return to normality at the end of the week..........