Showing posts with label Asian House Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asian House Martin. Show all posts
3 June 2017
30 April 2012
Golden Week 2012 #1
Asian House Martins at Kikonai yesterday.
A cluster of national holidays known as Golden Week kicked off yesterday and spring well and truly arrived, it has been warm and sunny, indeed I got sunburned today and consumed not 1 but 2 ice creams...............
Yesterday morning started at Akagawa, lots of activity in the forest before the dirt bikers showed up to scare everything off. Lots of Narcissus Flycatcher and Eastern Crowned Warbler were singing, other stuff included Japanese Thrush, Whites Thrush and Long Tailed Rosefinch. In Kikonai and Shireuchi there wasn't so much around.............a lone Bewicks Swan, a couple of Great Egret, a Greenshank, several Little Ringed Plover, Lathams Snipe, Osprey and a few Brent Geese, Wigeon and Red Breasted Merganser offshore.
Lots of Asian House Martin everywhere now...........
At Kamiiso yesterday there were no waders but lots of summer plumage Black Headed Gulls...........these look very exotic here (we usually only see them in winter plumage and there are no other common hooded gulls in Japan). Shame I grew up in England where they are so common birders probably don't even look at them..............
Today I walked the long walk down the beach in Kamiiso to look for waders: all I could find was 1 very flighty Whimbrel. We headed over to Asabu, there were some good birds here but nothing posing for the camera. Pacific Swift, Wryneck, more Osprey and lots of Siberian Stonechat and Chestnut Eared Bunting were's one of the latter, a shy bird that flies off as soon as eye contact is established even through a car window.
Back at Kamiiso I waited in vain for the Ospreys to come close and eventually gave up and concentrated on the local Black Tailed Gulls which were courting. Like the Black Headed Gull this is a beautiful bird I maybe take for granted.............the second one here is a Slaty Backed Gull, the common resident large gull.
I don't know if I'm being paranoid but I'm sure I used to take better quality photos of more interesting species than I have been doing lately.
Roy Hodgson? I'm underwhelmed to say the least but he's done well using scant playing resources with mid ranking teams..........maybe he won't be a total disaster with England then.
Thanks for clicking this link........

18 June 2010
Summer begins
Hot muggy overcast summer weather arrived this week in Hakodate.
The Asian House Martins are still nestbuilding......
They don't mind getting mucky...........
Fairly quiet last week, I didn't get out much. Just the regular sumer birds about now anyway. The Oriental Reed Warblers are still singing.
Not much else around, Chestnut Eared and Black Faced Buntings, Red Cheeked Starlings. That's about it.
I just watched Serbia beating Germany (my god Germans miss penalties sometimes). After France and Spain both had nightmare results I feel a little better about England...............doesn't mean I'm not dreading tonight's game though. A couple of early goals in a 3-0 victory would be nice. Rooney (2) and Crouch (on as a sub) to score. Yes, that sounds good.
Thanks for clicking this link.
10 June 2010
Asian House Martin
An Asian House Martin collecting nestbuilding materials on the river near my apartment yesterday.
I took this handheld video. Click on 'vimeo' for the HD version.
Housebuilding of another kind is currently driving me nuts, the construction noise outside my living room window as I type is deafening.
Some birds have already bred, baby ducks and crows are all over the place and a family of Oriental Greenfinches landed near the martins.
I've seen an adult Night Heron the last couple of days, hopefully there will be some young ones to photograph soon. Lots of Red Cheeked Starling activity in the centre of the bushes, again hopefully the young will be out and about on a few days too.
The Oriental Reed Warblers are still singing their hearts out.
I did manage to catch this one in a slightly different pose..............
So only one day to go until the World Cup begins...............the torture of watching England is just over 48 hours away..........
Thanks for clicking on this link.
17 July 2009
More house-building
Not much around this week, heavy rain has meant the river is swollen so the Night Heron has nowhere to stand. These Asian House Martins were gathering mud in some of the puddles....
Just watching the second day of the second test............England's 10 and 11 got some unexpected runs and Australia 22/2 at lunch..........hmmmmmm..............
3 July 2009
House-building, hay fever........and a rarity.
The weather was pretty hot again today and I spent some time with some Asian House Martins who were gathering nesting materials on a muddy patch on the small river near my flat. Tricky things to get the exposure right on.......
House-building of another kind continues next to our apartment. The noise is driving me crazy as is my hay fever, not something I usually suffer from this last few days but I've been spluttering and sneezing like a coke fiend.
Lots of nestling activity in the neighborhood and several other species came down to take a drink from the these Oriental Greenfinch, Red Cheeked Starling and Tree Sparrow.
I was hoping to get a shot of a young Night Heron but nothing happening there, I saw them several times in early July last year but can't locate them this time.
In my last post I mentioned a Tern I'd seen last weekend in Yakumo. I assumed it was just the East Asian race of Common Tern (which has a black bill) but when I actually looked at my crappy record shots it became clear it was something else. It isn't grey underneath, the tail streamers are not so long and that bill looks chunky.
It's a Gull Billed Tern (ハシブトアジサシ in Japanese), a bit of a rarity. June is a good month for rare terns, 3 years ago I saw a Caspian Tern at Asabu but as I didn't have a camera you'll have to take my word for it.
18 June 2008
Hi chicks
Summer well and truly here. Nests everywhere. The Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Onuma and the Swallows were up near Niseko.
The Woodpecker was apparently the last of the brood and has seemingly been abandoned by its' parents. Not to worry though.
The female Red Cheeked Starling was still feeding it. Bizarre behaviour. Cross-species fostering. the photos were from a couple of days ago. The last chick looked likely to leave the nest pretty soon (and I guess has probably done so).
The Lotus flowers were out at Onuma and there were a few Moorhens walking across the lilies. No Moorehen chicks yet, strange to think that 12 weeks ago in the UK they had already hatched.........
Today we drove up to Niseko. The coast was fogbound, we stopped at Yakumo (3 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret and all the common stuff). By the time we got to Niseko it was a beautiful warm summer day.
At the various road stations the Swallows and Asian House Martins were nesting. Difficult to take pics as of course they were nesting under dark ceilings. Very slow shutter speeds with a big slow lens like mine......
Thanks to Julian for lunch (he can bake fantastic bread). We visited him in Hirafu Village in boomtown Niseko. God that place is changing fast. And to think I complain about too much construction here in Hakodate......
Lots of Oriental Honey Buzzard today, here's a crappy record shot.......
Nice sunset on the way home.........
I watched the second half of Italy v France this morning. Sorry my Gallic friends but France are as bad as England. No, worse. Your coach is even better comic relief than second choice Steve with his brolly.
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