A baby Moorhen at Onuma last summer, uncropped to show off its habitat.
I still have gout problems and am housebound, it's stinking hot and the construction noise is about 10 or so metres away..................no going out for walks in the day and no cold beer in the evening makes me a right grumpy basta*d I can tell you.
I dug out some more 'birdscape' photo from the previous 2 summers. All the photos are uncropped, like I said in my last post they suffer a little composition-wise as the birds tend to be dead centre (I wasn't anticipating birdscape type pics when i took them).
The Moorhen above was from July 2009, here is are some Little Ringed Plovers, the adult is from 2008 and the chick (it is there if you look closely) from 2009.

And here's a Night Heron poking its head up in a padi field last year.

Early last August the Red Necked Stints reappeared on the beaches, these are adults and were much shyer than the juveniles which pass through later and are much more approachable.

Thanks for clicking this link.

Hopefully I'll be up and about soon. At least my gout has struck at the worst time of year birding-wise...........
Joe Cole eh? Interesting................
I like that baby moorhen pic. The composition and colours are great and really make the subject look inportant.
ReplyDeleteThe plant seen in the first pic was introduced to sri Lanka some time,and has become a nasty invasive species since then.
ReplyDeleteHi Amlla, it might have been introduced here too, i'm not sure........
ReplyDeleteWow the plover's chick just blends into those rocks.
ReplyDeleteWish they have a successful nest next season here, so I can get to see some chicks too.
I like the Night Heron Stu :)
ReplyDeleteI'm struggling to read your text Stu. It seems to have shrunk. if i knew your address i'd send you a Get Well card. Red-necked Stints nice - seen one once.
ReplyDeleteThanks Phil, after 10 days of this I'm feeling more like getting well now rather than just soon..!
ReplyDeleteI made the text bigger, when I cut and paste a link to my Smugmug page for some reason it sets the text in my post at the smallest size..........
I hope you get to feeling better soon.Not sure what to tell you to do. I guess you have done it already. Anyway, follow the doctors orders and get some rest. I am off at home for a while A kind of vacation as well.
ReplyDeleteThe night heron photo made me laugh.