I spent a rather cold Friday looking on the river near my flat and then finished the day over at Kamiso (where the above Scaup was hanging around in the fishing harbour just before sunset).
Only 1 Night Heron left now. Also on the river were Kingfisher, Brown Dipper, Grey Heron, 5 species of Duck including a lone Wigeon, Daurian Redstart and lots of Great Tit. In the local park a couple of Little Grebe were skulking in the corner of the moat and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was high up in the trees.
Hakodate's ex-mayor's 'legacy' is a huge multi million dollar white elephant project slap bang in the middle of the park. The park is the remains of a historical fort and the bufoonish ex-mayor decided to build some 'cultural attractions' in the previously pleasant park to boost tourism (or more likely line his pockets with construction bribes). 2 years and counting and it's nowhere near finished. Idiot. Rumours are we'll have to pay to even enter tha park in the future. F#*k that.
Bird of the day was this Thayer's Gull which posed nicely whilst fishing allowing me to check the wing pattern.
At Kamiso there were Red Necked, Great Crested and Black Necked Grebes offshore as well as 10 species of Duck and 6 species of Gull. I scanned offshore until sunset but no Albatross today.
We're planning a round Hokkaido road trip next year. June in fact. There was something else on at that exact same time that would have made me alter such plans but now it looks like I won't have to bother. Unless something amazing happens in tel Aviv tomorrow. If so the road trip will be in May.
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