An immature Black Faced Spoonbill at Kamiiso this afternoon. A real surprise, I was just doing a very quick check to see if there were any shorebirds around and stumbled across this rare east asian specialty.
I saw one a couple of years in Yakumo so obviously a few occur in Hokkaido but this is primarily a bird of more southern locales. A very nice addition to my local list (which is running around 220ish now I think).
It's been very hot the last week or so, maybe the warm winds wafted over the spoonbill from mainland Asia.
So hot and humid that we have got an airconditioner!!!!! Actually a friend had an old one which he didn't need anymore so he kindly came round an attached to it to one of our window frames. Thank you Tomoo...........
The spoonbill probably enjoyed the hot weather..........
Hope England get a few early wickets today.................otherwise we'll be hoping for another rainy draw.
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