A Nuthtach at Onuma yesterday.
A very quiet end to March, hence all the old photos recently.
The tame tits and nuthatches priovided my only real photo opps over the last 2 weeks..............
The snow is melting............spring is here.
I did get out and about and there were a few interesting birds. The first Ospreys of the year arriving last week, several White Tailed Eagle at various locales, all 5 species of grebe, lots of common wildfowl everywhere including some displaying White Winged Scoter off Sawara this afternoon, Red Throated Diver at Kamiiso, a flock of Crossbills in a park in the east of town this morning...............
One staple of late March is Brent Goose but although I saw lots around they weren't in the usual spot at Irifune so no pics.
This Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker was in the same park as the crossbills and the Glaucous Winged Gulls were at Menagawa.
So that was March.....................let's not talk about England's World Cup prospects or I'll get annoyed.
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