Today saw clear blue skies and a strong (SW) wind that was bracing rather than freezing. I took the tram down to Irifune to check on the Brent Geese which are always very active at this time of year just before they head north.
There were about 40 or 50 of them, in 2 or 3 loose flocks.
I was trying for BIFs today...........
It is a very photogenic species and appears to be unusually tame here in south Hokkaido, many of these shots are hardly cropped at all.
It was very windy actually and after a couple of hours I'd had enough, hopefully they'll stick around for another week or 2.
Nothing much else about, a few Red Breasted Merganser, Harlequin Duck, Glaucous Gull.........the last few days in town have been very quiet, a female Sparrowhawk and a Goosander a couple of days ago being the only noteworthy species.
When i went to the supermarket this afternoon Trott and Patel were in and it looked like England were going to pull off an unlikely victory. When I got back Panesar was just losing his wicket.............World #1? Really?
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