A young Night Heron near my flat this afternoon. Lots of young birds about recently. Most of them hide in the lush vegetation though. This Night Heron posed quite nicely before it disappeared into the undergrowth beside the river. This was taken with the 70-300 lens. I haven't been able to photograph the local Night Herons with the 100-400 lens yet.
Maybe there is a pair breeding on the river. There are always young birds around but I presumed they bred out of town and dispersed.......
I remember the first one of this species I ever saw. An adult at Redscar (near Preston) in May 1987. I ditched my 'A' level revision to go and see it. They are common summer visitors to south Hokkaido and indeed are the bird that persuaded me to buy a DSLR.
There have been several young Grey Wagtails around too. They definitely only breed upstream. Most noticeable summer breeders are the Red Cheeked starlings. Family groups of them were everywhere this afternoon.
Nothing interesting happening recently. I've just started the latest Iain M Banks sci-fi novel. I gave up any literary pretensions a long time ago and am now a sucker for this kind of stuff.
The Euro 2008 final is tonight, I can't be bothered getting ( or staying) up to watch it. I see Liverpool are signing more foreigners I've never heard of. I hope the 2008/9 season is better than last season for both Liverpool and England. If it's any worse I'll give up on football I think.
Cricket? England must be the crappest one day side ever.
I'm 40 in a few months. Perhaps I should just stop worrying about football so much. I should turn my atention to pondering the meaning of life as I enter the last 50% or so of my own, my own personal poverty and indeed world poverty in general, prostate problems and IBS or other equally important things.